why birth is like a river

“I’ll just go with the flow and see what happens.” Have you thought about this in regards to birth? I think a lot of us have at one point or another and I think it comes from a place of fear and uncertainty of the unknown. 

This is one of the stunning visuals from the workbooks all my clients receive. It shows beautifully how birth is like a river, twisting and turning, and gives tips for comfort measures to support along the way.

I like to think of birth as a journey. I just love the above illustration because it shows how birth journeys twist and turn and how they can ebb and flow as they progress. No two births will be the same. The more you know about birth, the more you are prepared to make choices that feel right for you and your baby through planning your birth.

This study in Iran found that writing a birth plan had many positive impacts, even when birth didn’t necessarily follow that plan exactly. Nobody can guarantee your birth will go ‘to plan’ but, as this study found, considering your options carefully will make you more likely to feel positively about your birth experience.

I use lots of visuals on my courses to help make them interesting, engaging and memorable. Did you know I have over 10 years’ experience in education? I know exactly how to help you learn what you need to learn to prepare for your birth.

Just ‘going with the flow’ puts you at risk of feeling out of control in your birth and the decisions made around it. It leaves you with no tools to cope with the intense sensations of birth. It leaves you with no understanding of how your body is designed to birth your baby and how you can best support it. My courses teach you and your birth partner to fully understand the process of birth and how you can work with your body and mind to make your birth as positive as possible. They give you tools to support you with managing discomfort and they give you tools to feel in control of your healthcare decisions and empower you to take and active role in your birth planning and preparation. 


Rhi x


having a baby is so expensive!


Preparing for your birth is like planning your wedding