how does hypnobirthing work?
Hypnobirthing works. It will improve your birth. But how? Here are a few of the ways.
It’s incredibly scientific. First working to build more positive associations with birth and break down any negative ones you may have, hypnobirthing works by educating you about the mind-body connection and how to make the most of it.
Another way hypnobirthing works is by teaching you about the birth process so you and your birth partner fully understand it and can work with it to ensure birth progresses as well as possible.
Perhaps the most well-know part of hypnobirthing is the relaxation toolkit it teachers. This works by helping you deeply relax to make your labour more calm and therefore more comfortable. This includes guided relaxations, visualisations, breathing techniques as well as massage techniques and is another way hypnobirthing works to improve your birth.
A good hypnobirthing course also covers the maternity system, including induction and pain relief options. This knowledge empowers you and your birth partner to make informed choices about your care throughout your maternity journey.
My hypnobirthing courses cover all of the above and so much more. My courses are award winning and 5 star rated (read some reviews from my previous clients here). If you put the work in, hypnobirthing works wonders for your birth.