why birth is like a river
Rhiannon Broadbent Rhiannon Broadbent

why birth is like a river

“I’ll just go with the flow and see what happens.” Have you thought about this in regards to birth? I think a lot of us have at one point or another and I think it comes from a place of fear and uncertainty of the unknown. But just ‘going with the flow’ puts you at risk of feeling out of control in your birth and the decisions made around it. It leaves you with no tools to cope with the intense sensations of birth. It leaves you with no understanding of how your body is designed to birth your baby and how you can best support it.

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Preparing for your birth is like planning your wedding
Rhiannon Broadbent Rhiannon Broadbent

Preparing for your birth is like planning your wedding

Be honest, you put WAY more money, time and energy into planning your wedding, right? Don’t worry, you’ve got time to reset the balance. The way you feel about your birth will have more of an effect on your long-term mental health than the way you feel about your wedding and yet we spend years planning our weddings (not to mention £1,000s!).

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Tips for a more sustainable pregnancy
Rhiannon Broadbent Rhiannon Broadbent

Tips for a more sustainable pregnancy

Here I give you my top 5 tips for a more sustainable pregnancy. We can’t always do everything as sustainably as we might like to but hopefully you’ll find at least one tip here that works for you and your growing family. Enjoy!

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give birth like a mammal
Rhiannon Broadbent Rhiannon Broadbent

give birth like a mammal

Afraid of birth? Here, I discus the fact that we are mammals and as such as designed to do this. Why do we fear it? How can we overcome that fear that other mammals simply don’t experience? Read on for some tips.

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